Tuesday, January 17, 2012

India Shining : Hope the Story never ends !!!

Once , the Indians were considered to be the most dumb common men in the world society. World recognized us, but din’t accept us. They applauded for our success in every field of Mathematics, Science, Politics and Economics, but the luster was still missing in the Indian names.

That luster has taken its place after a long waiting time. This is proven by the facts and figures which the world itself shows about the achievements we Indians are accumulating now. It’s a clearly a race. And when we see where we currently are shows our conquer. Lets start with the Sports – 2011 was a standout year in the Indian sports history not just because of the world cup triumph, but other astonishing and exceptional facts that India put on the chart of success. India put its name in the calendar of Formula One Race first time in history which was a grand success. With the 8 field hockey gold medals in hand, India also hosted the 2010 commonwealth games. Indian boxers hitting an all time high in Olympics was the best example of raising the Indian flag by Indians in overseas.

A part from sports, Science and Technology has never been a backburner for Indians. Indians have always proved their mettle in the field of rocket science. For instance, we invented the new faster “Brahmastra “Rocket which proved to be three times faster than that of US. We are the 16th country which has bought the world’s most strongest planes. Indians getting Oscars, Booker, Pulitzer is also another barometer of the Indian success all over the world.

With so much foreign players coming to our country for investment in indian market is another milestone of our success. We have the biggest IT Industry in the world and we have build this hub in a very short span of time. Our market has been tagged as the world’s least crisis-prone market in the world which surpasses every hurdle of Volatility, crisis, Liquidity and always ramps itself up in the stocks.

With the booming and established relations with other countries like China, US and others, we are proven to be the least manipulative citizens and most intellectual citizens due to our saving habits and our practice of spending rationally.

Business opportunities in India are encouraging foreign nations to invest more and more in our country. They see the gold mine of its demographic dividend to foster their business. Indians are at the top most places of many emerging and established companies multiplying their revenues manifolds.

Examples are many, but the achievements are not bounded to examples. We, if remain united, will always showing our robustness, ability, diplomacy and proficiency in every part of the story. While I expect we will prove ourselves the Hero of the story, I hope with my every line of breath, …Lets not write the climax of the story ever…and hope….the story never ends !!!! JJJ

---- Ank/t Papriwal

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